The phenomenon of physical gold extends far beyond the boundaries of our planet and finds its origins in the spectacular events of imploding stars, where the heavy elements of the universe are forged. This cosmic origin gives gold a unique a...
In the financial world, news and global events are of crucial importance with significant influence on the markets. An example that illustrates this thesis well is the VW diesel scandal of 2015. This caused a stir worldwide.
In 2015, it became known that Volkswa...
Regardless of whether it was earned, given or inherited - sometimes there is still money left in the account at the end of the month. If that's the case for you: congratulations! You should then think about a medium-term strategy for sustainable wealth accumulation tha...
Digitalization has changed many aspects of our daily lives. Payment processes are no exception. In recent years, the trend towards cashless payment methods has accelerated. Many people are wondering whether the end of cash has already been heralde...
„Oh, how often you have to read about children like these, who were called Max and Moritz.“
The story of WAVEALERT begins with Moritz. As an expert in cloud solutions and a passionate VW fan, he has long been interested in shares of German car manufacturers. The diesel/emissions scandal occurred i...